Saturday, November 7, 2009
Birthday of Cousin Duane
Today, November 7, is the birthday of one of our "Oklahoma" cousins. Happy Birthday, Duane. Wish we could be there to help you celebrate. Now, is this your 57th or 58th birthday?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Matilda Durvie Hewitt Morris
On this date, November 1, 1899, my wife's grandmother was born in Chilton County Alabama. Granny lived into her 90's before she died in the 1990's. She was the mother of Mable Alene Morris Myers (the mother of my wife).
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Recital Performance
On this date, October 20, 1978, I played a doctoral organ recital at Michigan State University in East Lansing. The day was a Tuesday. I had taught all day at John Wesley College in Owosso and drove myself over to the recital hall on campus. My family came in a separate vehicle with my wife's parents. I changed into my suit and walked out into the recital hall and played an hour recital. Because of the strenuous day, my energy level seemed to be at zero, nonetheless, I barreled through the recital with the hope that I was playing well. The audience of over 100 people seemed to enjoy the program, but in the back of my mind I thought that I had not done well. My wife encouraged me afterward not to judge anything until I heard the tape (yes, reel to reel). Later the next day I listened to the performance and was pleasantly relieved to know that my playing was very good. It proved to me once again that a well prepared performance will go well even if one is tired and there is no emotional involvement. All the good work shows through no matter if I feel it or not.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Creator of the Ave Maria Grotto at St. Bernard Abbey Cullman, Alabama Brother Joseph Zoettl, OSB died October 15, 1961
Pictures and Text from the Ave Maria Grotto website
Brother Joseph Zoettl
"To pass the time, I started hobbies again." Thus the origins of the masterpiece.
Brother Joseph ZoettiBrother Joseph was born on January 24, 1878. In 1891, he almost died of the flu that swept over Europe. In January of 1892, Father Gamelbert Brunner went to Europe looking for candidates for St. Bernard Abbey. Young Michael Zoettl decided to join up, somewhat to the surprise of his parents. In a touching reference, Brother Joseph describes how he and his father, who worked in a brewery, settled for only a glass of cider to mark the occasion. "January 27, 1892 was the date of departure. All night I cried till we entered the railroad car, no homesickness, but what homesickness is I found out many years later in Stonega, Virginia." The comment is a clue to a side of Brother Joseph's life of which few people are aware. As a monk he served as housekeeper for priests in many of our missions. Again a note of interest: one of his priest associates, Brother Joseph was later to write: "he called my cooking poison, he would also examine the coal ashes to see how much coal was in there, then he would call me down." Such menages we can assume took place in Tuscumbia and Decatur, Alabama; Dayton, Tennessee; Pocahontas and Stonega, Virginia.
After his housekeeping career, Br. Joseph was brought to the Abbey and put in charge of the powerhouse built in 1911. Long burdensome workdays of seventeen hours with hardly time to get to Sunday Mass, followed. For thirty years this was his routine. "It became very tedious," he tells later, "for I had to pump from morning to night every day, Sunday included. "To pass the time, I started hobbies again." Thus the origins of the masterpiece. Later in 1918, he tells us, "I began working with cement. The first thing I constructed was a church, that is still in existence, then a year later I began with some small oriental buildings which were later called Little Jerusalem."
Brother Joseph's own words suggest that some of his monastic brethren saw something of the future in his early work. Father Lawrence O'Leary, the guestmaster, took all visitors out to see "it," (and then another presage of the future) "but by and by other people came and it became a real nuisance which could not be stopped anymore." And another early development: "One day Father Dominic (Downs) came to me with some little statues and to see if I could make small grottoes. He had a store in front of the college and sold religious articles to help missions. When I had made two grottoes I thought that would be all but as Father Dominic sold them right away, he always brought more statues and it became a regular business."
By 1932, Br. Joseph's fate was sealed. He was to build a grotto of such size and dimensions as to outdo anything he had ever dreamed of. After making five thousand small grottoes for sale, he commenced work on what is now Ave Maria Grotto. On May 17, 1934 the Ave Maria Grotto was dedicated. Brother Joseph continued his work for over 40 years, using materials sent from all over the world. He built his last model, the Basilica in Lourdes, at the age of 80, in 1958.
Brother Joseph died on October 15, 1961. He was buried in a special bronze coffin. The cost and permanent quality of the coffin had as much to do with the esteem in which his fellow monks held him, as it did with the legacy of fame he had left their home.
Brother Joseph Zoettl
"To pass the time, I started hobbies again." Thus the origins of the masterpiece.
Brother Joseph ZoettiBrother Joseph was born on January 24, 1878. In 1891, he almost died of the flu that swept over Europe. In January of 1892, Father Gamelbert Brunner went to Europe looking for candidates for St. Bernard Abbey. Young Michael Zoettl decided to join up, somewhat to the surprise of his parents. In a touching reference, Brother Joseph describes how he and his father, who worked in a brewery, settled for only a glass of cider to mark the occasion. "January 27, 1892 was the date of departure. All night I cried till we entered the railroad car, no homesickness, but what homesickness is I found out many years later in Stonega, Virginia." The comment is a clue to a side of Brother Joseph's life of which few people are aware. As a monk he served as housekeeper for priests in many of our missions. Again a note of interest: one of his priest associates, Brother Joseph was later to write: "he called my cooking poison, he would also examine the coal ashes to see how much coal was in there, then he would call me down." Such menages we can assume took place in Tuscumbia and Decatur, Alabama; Dayton, Tennessee; Pocahontas and Stonega, Virginia.
After his housekeeping career, Br. Joseph was brought to the Abbey and put in charge of the powerhouse built in 1911. Long burdensome workdays of seventeen hours with hardly time to get to Sunday Mass, followed. For thirty years this was his routine. "It became very tedious," he tells later, "for I had to pump from morning to night every day, Sunday included. "To pass the time, I started hobbies again." Thus the origins of the masterpiece. Later in 1918, he tells us, "I began working with cement. The first thing I constructed was a church, that is still in existence, then a year later I began with some small oriental buildings which were later called Little Jerusalem."
Brother Joseph's own words suggest that some of his monastic brethren saw something of the future in his early work. Father Lawrence O'Leary, the guestmaster, took all visitors out to see "it," (and then another presage of the future) "but by and by other people came and it became a real nuisance which could not be stopped anymore." And another early development: "One day Father Dominic (Downs) came to me with some little statues and to see if I could make small grottoes. He had a store in front of the college and sold religious articles to help missions. When I had made two grottoes I thought that would be all but as Father Dominic sold them right away, he always brought more statues and it became a regular business."
By 1932, Br. Joseph's fate was sealed. He was to build a grotto of such size and dimensions as to outdo anything he had ever dreamed of. After making five thousand small grottoes for sale, he commenced work on what is now Ave Maria Grotto. On May 17, 1934 the Ave Maria Grotto was dedicated. Brother Joseph continued his work for over 40 years, using materials sent from all over the world. He built his last model, the Basilica in Lourdes, at the age of 80, in 1958.
Brother Joseph died on October 15, 1961. He was buried in a special bronze coffin. The cost and permanent quality of the coffin had as much to do with the esteem in which his fellow monks held him, as it did with the legacy of fame he had left their home.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Birthdays Today, October 9, 2009
Today is the birthday of my brother Charles. It is also the birthday of my cousin Mary E., and my sister-in-law's mother who is now deceased.
In addition, our friend named Jeanne celebrates a birthday today.
Happy Birthday!!
In addition, our friend named Jeanne celebrates a birthday today.
Happy Birthday!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries and Feast Days Today, October 5, 2009
October 5, 1703: Jonathan Edwards, U.S., theologian/philosopher
October 5, 1830: Chester Alan Arthur, Fairfield Vt, R, 21st President, 1881-85
October 5, 1928: Anna L. Pennington, good friend
October 5, 1944: Ronald E. Davis, yours truly
October 5, 1947: Judy P. Berry, good friend
Feast Day of Sts. Maurus and Placidus, young Benedictine monks who were proteges of St. Benedict of Nursia, 6th century A.D.
Wedding Anniversary of Steve and Charlotte Hoshal (24 years)
October 5, 1830: Chester Alan Arthur, Fairfield Vt, R, 21st President, 1881-85
October 5, 1928: Anna L. Pennington, good friend
October 5, 1944: Ronald E. Davis, yours truly
October 5, 1947: Judy P. Berry, good friend
Feast Day of Sts. Maurus and Placidus, young Benedictine monks who were proteges of St. Benedict of Nursia, 6th century A.D.
Wedding Anniversary of Steve and Charlotte Hoshal (24 years)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Anniversary of the death of Harold Abraham Myers
On this date, September 27, 1990, on an early Thursday morning, my father-in-law Harold Abraham Myers died in Montgomery, Alabama, Veterans Hospital, after several months fight with cancer. His wife, Mable Morris Myers and family had lovingly cared for him. Just 10 days prior to his death, Harold and Mable celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Have 19 years really gone by since that day? Those who knew him were blessed in a myriad of ways.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Birthday Today: Law Kirk Woodliff
On this date, September 26, 1912, my Uncle Kirk Woodliff, the husband of my Dad's older sister (Mary Lucille Davis Woodliff) was born. I admired my Uncle Kirk for his uncanny way of giving insight and advice without sounding preachy, and it was always given with a healthy dose of humor. He had a quick wit which could catch one off guard. He and his wife reared four wonderful children whom I still love with much affection. Now, mind you, I didn't grow up with them so I don't know how we would have really gotten along on a day to day basis especially if they had to put up with me. Nonetheless, in adulthood, my 4 cousins humor me, and we have mutual affection for each other. In addition,they give me lots of latitude to blog and blab as well. Thank you, Dear Ones.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
69th Wedding Anniversary
Today, September 17, 1940, my wife's parents Harold and Mable Morris Myers were married in Birmingham, Alabama. Mable was 18 years old and Harold was 31 years old. They were married 50 years on September 17, 1990. Harold died 10 days later of cancer. Mable died 121/2 years later in 2003. It was a wonderful and inspiring marriage--a long-term relationship. The current generation is looking for long-term relationships and I always ask, "How long do you want a "long-term" relationship to last...a week?, a month?, a year? How about 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years plus?"
Folks, let's learn from those who have been married many faithful years. Don't listen to the talk shows that "gabble open-mouthed" about anything and everything and say nothing of value or substance. And, look to celebrities for inspiration. Harold and Mable Myers and a host of others knew what real love is. It's sacrifice and devotion toward the beloved and commitment to the marriage when personal commitment fails. It's love that chooses to love even when the beloved is not lovely. It's love that is founded on the source of Love who laid down His life for an unworthy bride and is faithful to her even when she is mostly unfaithful. Happy Anniversary in honor of Harold and Mable Myers!
Folks, let's learn from those who have been married many faithful years. Don't listen to the talk shows that "gabble open-mouthed" about anything and everything and say nothing of value or substance. And, look to celebrities for inspiration. Harold and Mable Myers and a host of others knew what real love is. It's sacrifice and devotion toward the beloved and commitment to the marriage when personal commitment fails. It's love that chooses to love even when the beloved is not lovely. It's love that is founded on the source of Love who laid down His life for an unworthy bride and is faithful to her even when she is mostly unfaithful. Happy Anniversary in honor of Harold and Mable Myers!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
09/09/2009 Anniversary and Birthdays
On September 9, 1936,seventy-three years ago, my parents, Cronin Davis and Evelyn Elliott, were married in Tuscaloosa, Alabama at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Rectory. After the ceremony, they traveled 15 miles to Moundville, Alabama and spent the night at the hotel in Moundville which was located near the railroad depot. They ate supper at Melissa Wiggins' now famous "Miss Melissa's" restaurant. On September 9, 1984, they celebrated their 48 wedding anniversary by going back to Moundville to eat at "Miss Melissa's." Evelyn sold a set of World Books to a friend who was buying them for her grandchildren. Cronin always said that she could sell World Books anytime and anywhere and more than likely she would sell at set at his funeral. Which she did.
Today is also the birthday of Shirley Rhoads the daughter of long-time friends in the Lansing area. It is also the birthday of our neighbors' daughter Emma. Happy Birthday ladies.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Birthdays Today, September 6, 2009
Today is the birthday of my youngest brother's grandson--Davis Elliott R. He is one today. Happy Birthday, Davis.
Today is Patty B.'s birthday--long-time friend.
Today is Patty B.'s birthday--long-time friend.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Today's Birthdays and Anniversary
Today is the birthday of Brian Berry, a good friend for many years.
It is also the birthday of Doyle Allen, the son of a former colleague.
Today's wedding anniversary is Wes and Patty B., long-time friends.
It is also the birthday of Doyle Allen, the son of a former colleague.
Today's wedding anniversary is Wes and Patty B., long-time friends.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September 1, 1939: 70th Anniversary of the Beginning of WWII
The invasion of Poland marked the start of World War II in Europe, as Poland's western allies, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, declared war on Germany on September 3, soon followed by France, South Africa and Canada, among others. The invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, and ended 6 October 1939, with Germany and the Soviet Union occupying the entirety of Poland. Although the United Kingdom and France declared war on Germany soon after Germany attacked Poland, very little direct military aid was provided.
Following a German-staged "Polish attack" on 31 August 1939, on 1 September German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west. Spread thin defending their long borders, the Polish armies were soon forced to withdraw eastward. After the mid-September Polish defeat in the Battle of the Bzura, the Germans gained an undisputed advantage. Polish forces then began a withdrawal southeast, following a plan that called for a long defense in the Romanian bridgehead area, where the Polish forces were to await an expected Allied counterattack and relief.
On 17 September 1939, the Soviet Red Army invaded the eastern regions of Poland in cooperation with Germany. The Soviets were carrying out their part of the secret appendix of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which divided Eastern Europe into Nazi and Soviet spheres of influence. Facing the second front, the Polish government decided the defense of the Romanian bridgehead was no longer feasible and ordered the emergency evacuation of all troops to neutral Romania. By 1 October, Germany and the Soviet Union completely overran Poland, although the Polish government never surrendered. In addition, Poland's remaining land and air forces were evacuated to neighboring Romania and Hungary. Many of the exiles subsequently joined the recreated Polish Army in allied France, French-mandated Syria, and the United Kingdom.
In the aftermath of the invasion, a resistance movement was formed. Poland's fighting forces continued to contribute to Allied military operations throughout World War II. On 8 October, Nazi Germany annexed the western areas of pre-war Poland and established the Generalgouvernement from the remains of her gains. The Soviet Union temporarily lost her gains due to the Nazi German invasion of June 1941, but permanently re-annexed them after regaining them in mid-1944. Over the course of the war, Poland lost about 20% of its pre-war population under an occupation that marked the end of the Second Polish Republic. (Wikipedia)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Today's Birthday
Today is the birthday of Jonathan, a former piano student of Glenda, who is majoring in music at Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory near Cleveland, Ohio.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Birthday of Friends and Family, August 30, 2009
Today is the birthday of Robin M. and Wes B. Happy Birthday, and yes, we know how old you are!
Today is also the birthday of my mother's sister Dorothy Elliott Lewis who was born on this date in 1924.
Dorothy Maxwell Elliott died at age: 72
Born: 30 Aug 1924 in Tuscaloosa Co., AL, at The Leland Place
Died: 6 Sep 1996 in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama
Buried: in Oak Hill Cemetery, Moundville, Hale Co., Alabama
Spouse: Hugh Eugene Lewis b. 16 Oct 1922
Married: 24 Dec 1944 in Moundville, Hale Co., Alabama
Today is also the birthday of my mother's sister Dorothy Elliott Lewis who was born on this date in 1924.
Dorothy Maxwell Elliott died at age: 72
Born: 30 Aug 1924 in Tuscaloosa Co., AL, at The Leland Place
Died: 6 Sep 1996 in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama
Buried: in Oak Hill Cemetery, Moundville, Hale Co., Alabama
Spouse: Hugh Eugene Lewis b. 16 Oct 1922
Married: 24 Dec 1944 in Moundville, Hale Co., Alabama
Saturday, August 29, 2009
August 29, 2009: Birthdays Today,
Today is Ian's 30th birthday.
Also, today is the birthday of our daughter-in-law's father. Happy Birthday Mike.
Also, today is the birthday of our daughter-in-law's father. Happy Birthday Mike.
Friday, August 28, 2009
August 28, 2009: Birthdays and a Feast Day
On this day, August 28, Esther Lemunyon, a dear friend, celebrates her 92 birthday today. Esther and her husband Lynn befriended us early on when we began attending church in their area. We have been friends the past 17 years. Lynn died in 1998 and Esther eventually moved to live with her daughter in another state. Esther had lived all of her life in Mid Michigan and at 85 began a new adventure. I asked her once how she was able to do this with such grace and confidence. She told me that one has to close one door and open another no matter how it feels. So Happy Birthday, dear Esther.
With love and affection,
Your other children.
Today is also the birthday of Keith who is teaching English in an Asian country. Keith we miss you as well as your fine piano playing.
Today, is also the feast day of:
Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Theologian
28 August 430
With love and affection,
Your other children.
Today is also the birthday of Keith who is teaching English in an Asian country. Keith we miss you as well as your fine piano playing.
Today, is also the feast day of:
Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Theologian
28 August 430
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday 27 August 2009 Saint Monica
Saint Monica (331 - 387)
She was born at Thagaste in Africa of a Christian family. She was married young, to Patricius, and among her children was Augustine. He had a brilliant intellect and uncertain morals and his wayward spiritual career saw him at one time a Manichee and then a Neoplatonist. With many tears she prayed unceasingly to God for his conversion and her prayers were answered shortly before she died. She had a deep faith and outstanding virtue and is a wonderful example of a Christian mother.
She was born at Thagaste in Africa of a Christian family. She was married young, to Patricius, and among her children was Augustine. He had a brilliant intellect and uncertain morals and his wayward spiritual career saw him at one time a Manichee and then a Neoplatonist. With many tears she prayed unceasingly to God for his conversion and her prayers were answered shortly before she died. She had a deep faith and outstanding virtue and is a wonderful example of a Christian mother.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Twenty-four Years Ago Today
On this date, August 26. 1985. I started to work for the Corunna Public Schools in Corunna, Michigan. It was a Monday and orientation for teachers was held that day with classes starting the next day. My job assignment was to teach elementary school music to kindergarten through fifth grade. I would teach at two schools--one at Elsa Meyer Elementary in Corunna, Michigan for three days a week and the other for two days a week at Nellie Reed Elementary in Vernon, Michigan. This began a career that lasted almost 20 years and was the best job I ever had. Teaching children of this age was sheer joy and pleasure.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Birthday of our second grandson, Darian Allen Davis
Monday, August 24, 2009
Birthday of Our Daughter-in-law (Stacie Davis)
Today is the birthday of our daughter-in-law. So, Happy Birthday, Stacie! It is also birthday of Lyle Brooks who was the band director at Corunna High School, Michigan for 43 years. Lyle and his wife Ginny are great friends of ours.
The gap of entries from Aug. 22 until today was brought on by the fact I was in the hospital since Friday and just got home today.
Stay tuned for more "On This Date."
The gap of entries from Aug. 22 until today was brought on by the fact I was in the hospital since Friday and just got home today.
Stay tuned for more "On This Date."
Friday, August 21, 2009
Birthday of Mary Earline (Mae) Neighbors (My Maternal Grandmother)
Mary Earline (Mae) Neighbors
Born: 21 Aug 1889 in Hulls, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama
Died at age 39 on 12 Jun 1929 in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama
Buried: in Big Sandy Baptist Cemetery, Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama
Her parents were:
John Henry Neighbors (March 22, 1858 to March 29, 1938)
Mary Etta Staggers (February 2, 1867 to August 15, 1937)
Married Charles David Elliott, Sr. (October 10, 1885 to May 1, 1946)
on 20 Jan 1913 in Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama
His age: 27 Her age: 23
(The above information and picture were gleaned from genealogy work done by my cousin, Kerry Barksdale, who is also a grandson of Mary Earline Neighbors Elliott.)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
On this date: August 19
On this date,there are two people I remember who were born on August 19.
Dawson Chism from Northport, Alabama and Joshua Morden of Owosso, Michigan.
Dawson Chism from Northport, Alabama and Joshua Morden of Owosso, Michigan.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
On this date: August 18
On this date, August 18, 1970, I completed my Master of Music Degree by performing a graduate organ recital. It was a Tuesday and the recital commenced at 8 p.m. in Cadek Hall in the old music building on the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Campus. After the performance, my wife and I hosted a reception at our apartment on Reed Street. We were not only celebrating the completion of the degree requirements but were also doubly celebrating our marriage on February 27, 1970. Since our wedding had been quite small (the two of us and our best man) we decided to have a reception six months later at the time of the recital. Glenda baked and cooked all the reception food. Our apartment was quite large and took up two-thirds of a large Dutch Colonial home that had been divided into apartments. A large crowd of family and friends gathered for a wonderful time. Friends came from as far away as Texas and Oklahoma.
Monday, August 17, 2009
On this date: August 17
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